Roulette Betting

Placing a bet

When you want to place a bet, don't be worried if there is already a bet in the spot you want to bet on. Each player is given different colored chips to avoid any confusion. Roulette rules give you plenty of time to place your bet. You can place your bet after the roulette wheel has been spun. The time limit for placing bets is when the roulette dealer waves his hand over the table (the dealer will sometimes say 'no more bets' out-loud too). Once the ball has settled, the roulette dealer will call out the winning number and place a marker on that number's spot on the table. The roulette dealer then collects all of the losing bets and pays the winner. After this happens, you will have to wait until the roulette dealer says "place your bets" before betting on the next spin.

Roulette Bet Placement

"Inside Bets"

Letter Bet Name Description
A Plain A bet on 1 number. All individual numbers plus 0 and 00. Example: Chip 'A' is on number 6.
B Split A bet on 2 numbers. Pays off when any one of your two numbers hit. Example: Chip 'B' is on numbers 11 and 12.
C Street A bet on 3 numbers. Pays off when any one of your three numbers hit. Example: Chip 'C' covers numbers 10, 11, and 12.
D Corner A bet on 4 numbers. Pays off when any one of your four numbers hit. Example: Chip 'D' covers numbers 17, 18, 20 and 21.
E Five # The only 5-number bet. Pays off when any one of your five numbers hit. Example: Chip 'E' covers numbers 1, 2, 3, 0 and 00.
F Line A bet on 6 numbers. Pays off when any one of your six numbers hit. Example: Chip 'F' covers numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27.

"Outside Bets"

Letter Bet Name Description
G Column A bet on 12 numbers. Pays off on any number in that vertical column. Chip 'G' is on the 3rd column.
H Dozen A bet on 12 numbers. Pays off on any number in that dozen. Chip 'H' is on the 3rd dozen (25 through 36).
I Red/Black A bet on 18 numbers. A wager on red or black numbers. The only number not red or black is the green 0 or 00.
J Even/Odd A bet on 18 numbers. A wager on even or odd numbers. The only number not even or odd is the 0 or 00.
K High/Low A bet on 18 numbers. A wager on lower half of all the numbers (1-18) or the higher half of all the numbers (19-36).


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Roulette Betting

HPG ADMIN on March 1, 2013